History of Everything DiSC

Powered by Wiley, the original publishers of DiSC®, Everything DiSC® is fueled by over 40+ years of assessment-backed expertise and 200+ years of publishing excellence.


  • 1928

    Emotions of Normal People


    The DiSC® Model of Behavior was first proposed in 1928 by William Moulton Marston, a physiological psychologist, in his book Emotions of Normal People.

  • 1940

    Early Measurement of DiSC Concepts: Activity Vector Analysis

    The history of DiSC measurement begins in the 1940s with industrial psychologist, Walter V. Clarke. Clarke built a test for personnel selection called the Activity Vector Analysis.

  • 1950

    Early Measurement of DiSC Concepts: Self-Discription Instrument

    A staff member of Walter Clarke Associates developed an assessment for John Cleaver, which they called Self Discription.

  • 1970

    First DiSC Assessment: Personal Profile System® (PPS)

    In the 1970s, John Geier, a faculty member in the University of Minnesota’s Department of Health Sciences, used Self Discription to create the original Personal Profile System® (PPS).

  • 1994

    28-Box Personal Profile System

    A research effort was launched to improve the DiSC instrument that had basically remained unchanged since 1959. New items were added, non-functioning items were removed, and the overall reliability of the instrument increased.

  • 2000

    Research into the Circumplex Representation of DiSC

    In the early 2000s, researchers associated with Wiley’s Workplace Learning Solutions Group (called Inscape at the time) began experimenting with ways to represent DiSC® with a circumplex model instead of with a line graph model. Here, a person’s DiSC style was represented with a dot within the DiSC map.

  • 2012

    Adaptive Testing Implemented

    Adaptive testing allows an assessment to change depending on a respondent’s previous answers. This is useful in cases where the results of a standard assessment are inconclusive.

  • 2017


    MyEverythingDiSC® is a mobile-friendly, interactive learning portal that is exclusive to the Everything DiSC® solutions. An important capstone to any learning program, this follow-up site cements the lessons that users are introduced to in their Everything DiSC profiles and classroom experiences, extending their learning into the future. MyEverythingDiSC enables learners to actively incorporate their new DiSC® knowledge into their daily work. It offers them insights into their own DiSC style and strategies for working and communicating with others.

  • 2020

    Everything DiSC on Catalyst™

    Catalyst is a personalized, online learning platform that acts as a single access point throughout a learner’s DiSC® journey. Designed to support instructor-led facilitation or for individual exploration, Catalyst integrates DiSC into the flow of work, ensuring takeaways are readily applied.  Users can view and see other profiles within their organisation. First released for Everything DiSC Workplace© and Everything DiSC© Agile EQ, the Everything DiSC© Management profile was added in 2021.


From Classic DiSC to Everything DiSC How my Graph Became a Dot

Read more about the change from the Classic DiSC version of the assessment to the Everything DiSC adaptive testing model and suite of assessments we use today.