Guidelines & Training  


The Employment Sexual Harassment (Prevention) Act 2017 (Barbados)
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employee AWARENESS workshops

One 3-hour workshop that aims to raise awareness of the requirements for employees based on the company’s sexual harassment policy and the Sexual Harassment (Prevention) Act 2017
1.     Discuss what is and is not covered by the Sexual Harassment Policy & Act
2.     Discuss the rights and responsibilities of employees under the Policy
3.     Identify workplace behaviours  that would and would not be considered harassment
4.     Identify the impact of harassment on individuals in the workplace

dealing with complaints: guidelines & templates

Implementing a sexual harassment policy protects your employees and meets the legal requirements but what happens in the event that a complaint is received?  Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. We can provide you with guidelines that will take away the guesswork.
o   Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures and Templates
o   Procedures for Conducting Sexual Harassment Investigations 

dealing with complaints: training for managers & supervisors

One 3-hour workshop or online coaching session for managers and supervisors to be able to competently deal with complaints and issues of sexual harassment where they may occur.  
Objectives :
1.     Review important management strategies that deal with prevention, resolution and remedy
2.     Discuss the process for addressing workplace sexual harassment under the Policy and the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act
3.     Review  procedures for investigating complaints of sexual harassment.